Introducing go-apt-cacher and go-apt-mirror

go-apt-cacher is a caching reverse-proxy designed specially for Debian/Ubuntu repositories. As it is written in Go, go-apt-cacher tolerates thousands of concurrent client connections and is very fast.

go-apt-mirror is a mirroring tool for Debian/Ubuntu repositories similar to apt-mirror. The biggest advantage of using go-apt-mirror is that it will never create incomplete/inconsistent mirrors.

This article describes our backgrounds and motivation as well as the design of these tools. They are available at

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Transparent SOCKS proxy in Go to replace NAT

I am working behind a cloud service as an infrastructure engineer. My recent work was the replacement of NAT inside our data center with a transparent SOCKS proxy.

In this post, I will describe our motivation for the replacement and how we can do it using Go effectively.


  • NAT has deficiencies in routing, connectivity, and access control.
  • We made a transparent SOCKS proxy transocks to replace NAT.
  • Using iptables is far better than LD_PRELOAD for transparent proxy.
  • We made our own SOCKS5 server usocksd too.
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Split a string in C++11

The example below works just like PHP's explode.

std::vector<std::string> tokenize(const std::string& s, char c) {
    auto end = s.cend();
    auto start = end;

    std::vector<std::string> v;
    for( auto it = s.cbegin(); it != end; ++it ) {
        if( *it != c ) {
            if( start == end )
                start = it;
        if( start != end ) {
            v.emplace_back(start, it);
            start = end;
    if( start != end )
        v.emplace_back(start, end);
    return v;


auto v = tokenize(" abc  def ", ' ');

v == std::vector<std::string>{"abc", "def"}; // true

Simple and efficient.